Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calling people out on their sh*t: Priceless

This is a quick one!

Four guys walk into the bar, order a bunch of wings and 2 pitchers of premium beer. They eat and drink everything. When the bill comes they say "Wow, why is it so much?" Just on a side note here: their bill was $65 this included, once again, 2 pitchers of beer which accounted for at least $35 of that and 4 and a 1/5 pounds of wings with fries. Personally, I think that's a good deal for four guys to go out and eat and drink. Their server just didn't understand the discrepancy and neither did I. I took it upon myself to actually find out what the issue was before discounting their bill. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Could you please tell me exactly what is wrong with your bill because we're having a hard time understanding what the discrepancy is?

Cheapo: Yeah, it's too expensive. We actually wanted the smaller pitcher for our second round.

Me: But you drank the large one, yes?

Cheapo: Yes.

Me: So, why didn't you tell your waitress that it was not what you wanted when she brought it over?

Cheapo: Well... umm.. studder studder... I don't know the difference in size between the big one and the small one.

Me: sigh. You got the large pitcher first so you knew when you saw the second one that it was clearly not the small one but you drank it anyway. Pause. Thanks just wanted to clarify that.

Their bill was discounted and they actually tipped her very well. I guess it was just to prove that they are not in fact the cheapos they painted themselves out to be.

This is a good example of "The Customer is Always Right" is wrong theory.

Pay it forward

It's Saturday night, the first Leafs hockey game of the season is about to come on and they're playing the Canadiens. We have quite a few reservations set up and people are pouring in. Now, one thing I dislike is turning customers away because we are full. One thing I dislike more than that is customers failing to understand that there is no room for them to sit and no guarantee, especially during the season opening games. A couple customers did not understand the concept of 'there is no room.' My recommendation: If you plan on going out to a smaller restaurant on a Saturday night and you have 8 other people with you, please do us and yourselves a favour and just call ahead.

So, in walks a lady with her two tween daughters, immediately I say "We're terribly sorry, but as you can see we are full right now and the game is about to start." Apparently she didn't comprehend what I was relaying to her. She simply refused and went on to tell me that she was invited by the owner and drove over 100 km to get there to eat. If you work in the industry you very well know that everyone knows the owner. People try to threaten you with it while others steer toward a discount. I don't buy it.

Three seats opened up at the bar so I had them sit there and have a drink while they wait for a table to clear, which wasn't going to happen for at least 2 hours. A few young guys sitting in the dining room heard what had happened at the front door and told me they would give their table to the lady and her two children. What nice guys! I find simple acts of kindness to be rewarding for all people involved. I tell the lady, who by the way at this time has been dubbed a b*tch by the staff because of her complete apathy to our situation, that there is a table and the guys were personally giving it to her. Turns out she gives them a $50 gift card for their kind gesture! The lady who we all thought was a witch was suddenly this really kind appreciative lady who may have had a bout of frustration upon arrival.

I was the lucky one who served her table and when I say lucky what I actually mean is unlucky. She was nothing short of picky, particular, meticulous, and the list goes on. But I knew I had to smile through it because deep down inside that cold outer shell she had a heart and she showed it by paying it forward to those nice guys who gave her place to sit.

Lesson of the day: You can simultaneously be a b*tch and a nice person.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Half price nights S.U.C.K

The restaurant I work at offers half price wings on certain nights of the week. It is typically standard procedure: you get in, you bust your ass, you get out. Sound simple, right? Nope! Sometimes they throw on a newbie just for shits and giggles. Anyone who works in the industry knows that when it is busy you need a team on that works well together and gets shit done. Throwing someone new on just impedes service. They become a liability. These nights are typically really busy with people waiting to be seated at the door and people cramped into ever nook and crevice in the place. Needless to say, the cheapest people come in on these days. Making money can be difficult because the substantial discount their getting and their desire to tip 10%. GREEEEEAAAAAT. So, us girls require quick turnover to make a buck. Get the customers in, feed them, take the money, and escort them out. Not so easy when you are working with someone who doesn't understand the concept of 'Hurry the eff up.' Not to blame them, I was once in that position where everyone would become aggravated and mad with me because I just didn't understand the pace. We bus our own tables, play hostess, and run our own food and drinks so you must be able to be efficient.

A few tips to create efficiency on nights like these:
  • Do not fill the pop glass with a ton of ice. You're just gonna have to refill it that much sooner.
  • Take as many drink and food orders at once. This will ensure you make less trips behind the bar and to the computer to punch in the order.
  • Always set up your tables once the order is taken. That means plates, condiments, cutlery, etc. There is nothing worse than running someone elses food and having to go back to the kitchen to grab supplies.
  • Cleaning a table should be done in one trip. Bring the spray bottle, a tray, and a menu and clear all that crap off quick.
  • If you need help, ask one of your co-workers. Hopefully they're not all witches and will take the time to help you.
  • NEVER freak out! One very important piece of advice, once you panic everything falls apart!
If there is anything I overlooked or you would suggest feel free to comment!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Oh, The Good 'Ole Hockey Game!

The NHL and NHLPA have finally  reached an agreement after 113 days! Early Sunday morning both sides came to an agreement after a grueling some odd 16 hours of negotiating. Was anyone expecting them to reach a deal this season? I suppose if they were going to strike a deal it would have been before the January 11 deadline for a salvaged season. So this year is supposedly set to be 48 games starting toward the end of January possibly commencing on the 19th. The details of the deal are all speculated as of right now with some saying there is a $64.3 million cap for 2013-14. Whatever they are I am one happy camper!

The bars will be back in full swing and customers will be happy once again to find misery in our home team, the Toronto Maple Leafs', striving ability to disappoint. My theory: The Leafs will do well the first few games, as always, then forget that they are in a competition and slowly fall apart, pulling it together just before the playoffs to only miss by a few points.

Oh , and the rumour mill is in full swing with the speculation of Toronto making a deal to get the once Olympic star, now backup goaltender for the Canucks, Roberto Luongo.

Some people feel the NHL left their fans out in the cold this season by abandoning them with no hockey leaving fans to scatter to find other sports or leagues to watch to fill the void that they had left them with, but it just wasn't the same, was it? Now fans can suck it up, because you know you're going to be watching that first game later this month. So get your favourite jerseys pressed, the nachos and beer ready and sit back, relax and get your proper fix you've all been waiting for.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Here's to another year...

With the holidays coming to an end I must remind everyone that they need not stop overindulging in the finer things in life such as booze, booze, and more booze. The industry slows down around this time of year possibly due to folks receiving their holiday credit card statement and instead of doing the right thing they choose to do the responsible thing and save some money to pay it off. My suggestion: Don't fall into this terrible trend of people who decide that they are going to stay home and watch Netflix for a couple months. Bars and restaurants have a ton of promotions in the new year to promote business. So, if you are going to go out to eat and drink now is the time.

On to what I want to accomplish with this blog: rants and raves. I was the lucky contestant called on down to the shit end of the stick having to work New Years Eve and Day. I can't take full credit for having to work, possibly the two worst shifts of the year, one of my co-workers got stuck on the stick with me as well. Being that she is my best friend, BFF, accomplice to my many drunken adventures, we made the best of it. By best of it I obviously mean grunting, groaning, and cursing under our breaths every chance we got. A few customers did make it in on New Years Eve... whooptie- effing-doo! One of which was actually a lovely wino who decided to demean and insult me one night and to no avail she actually did not remember. How did I know this? Because she was incredibly involved in the conversations I was engaging in with other customers and at one point she went as far as to tell me that she is an "eternal optimist" who never gets upset. I'm guessing she blacks out after a few glasses of Pinot Grig. I'm going to fast forward through the popping of champagne and go straight to New Years Day. I had to open the restaurant which was not that bad considering we got to open a little later than usual. A couple hung over teenagers came in to order water. Really, water!? Have people still not come to the realization that the only way they're going to get rid of that pounding headache, achy limbs, and nauseous feeling in their belly is to have a Caesar or a nice, stiff martini? Apparently not where I work. To say the least, the place was vacant and lonely with scattered couples mumbling to each other about how shitty they feel after having 6 shots of tequila the night before. Let's make it clear, on days like this where everyone is hungover and miserable I don't want to talk to you, you don't want to talk to me so drink up your fourth refill of water and say Happy Effing New Year!